Resources & Links
1. AmSAT: The American Society for the Alexander Technique (for the AmSAT bookstore visit
2. STAT: The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique
3. The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
4. Mornum Time Press (publisher of Alexander Technique books)
5. Mouritz (publisher of Alexander Technique books)
For an up-to-date listing of research involving the Alexander Technique, please visit the research page from the American Society for the Alexander Technique:
“Alexander Technique Lessons or Acupuncture Sessions for Persons with Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Trial“, by Hugh MacPherson et al, 2015. A study was done in Great Britain involving 517 subjects with chronic, nonspecific neck pain. This resulting article was published in 2015 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
“Randomised Controlled Trial of Alexander Technique Lessons, Exercise, and Massage (ATEAM) for Chronic and Recurrent Back Pain“, by Paul Little et al, 2008. A study was done in Great Britain involving 579 subjects with chronic and recurrent back pain. This resulting article was published in 2008 in the British Medical Journal.
Glenna Batson is an Alexander Technique teacher who also has a Masters in Dance Education and Physical Therapy, and a Doctorate in Physical Therapy (neurology). Please visit her website to view the research and writing she has done about the Alexander Technique.
Lauren Hill, colleague and friend in St Paul, MN, writes a wonderful blog. Visit it here.
Tully Hall, visit it here.
These are just a few of the many books available about the Alexander Technique. The books below are available from the AmSAT bookstore. You can order from the AmSAT bookstore by visiting
or by calling 800-473-0620. You might also try a search at
1. The Use of the Self by Frederick Matthais Alexander. London: Victor Gollancz: 1985. (First published in 1932).
2. Indirect Procedures: A Musician’s Guide to the Alexander Technique by Pedro DeAlcantara. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997.
3. Body Learning by Michael Gelb. 2nd ed. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1994.
4. Freedom to Change: The Development and Science of the Alexander Technique by Frank Pierce Jones. 3rd ed. London: Mouritz, 1997.
“Lessons Target Chronic Pain, Poor Posture” – interview with Andrea Fedele on Houston Matters, a Houston Public Media program, November 9, 2015.
“Pain Management Just Might Begin with Posture: The Alexander Technique“ by Andrea Fedele, DMA, published in I-am magazine.
“Oboe Woes: Challenges Facing the Oboist” by Andrea Fedele, DMA
“The Alexander Technique and Oboists, Part I: What the Alexander Technique is and How it is Relevant to Oboists” by Andrea Fedele, DMA
“The Alexander Technique and Oboists, Part II: Applications of the Alexander Technique to Playing the Oboe” by Andrea Fedele, DMA
“The Alexander Technique” by Joan Arnold
“Conscious Use of the Human Body in Movement: The Peripheral Neuroanatomic Basis of the Alexander Technique.” By Glenna Batson, PT, MA in Medical Problems of Performing Artists 11 (March 1996):3 – 11.
“Randomised Controlled Trial of Alexander Technique Lessons, Exercise, and Massage (ATEAM) for Chronic and Recurrent Back Pain” by Paul Little et al.
“Alleviating Arthritis Pain and Discomfort: How the Alexander Technique can Help” by Glenna Batson, PT, MA
“Self-Care Strategies for Avoiding Repetitive Strain: How the Alexander Technique can Help” by Glenna Batson, PT, MA
“Chronic Pain: How the Alexander Technique can Help” by Joan Arnold and Hope Gillerman, with Terry Zimmerer
“The Alexander Technique: Education for the Aching Back” by Deborah Caplan, MA, PT
“Alexander Technique and Osteoporosis: Improving Posture, Mobility and Safety” by Idelle Packer, MS, PT, CTAT
Physical activity/Sports:
“The Alexander Technique – A Gift for Sports People” by Michael Stenning
“Alexander Technique and the Pilates Method of Movement Re-education: A Biomechanical Perspective” by John Macy, PT
“How the Alexander Technique can help during Pregnancy, Childbirth and Parenthood” by Joan Arnold and Hope Gillerman with Terry Zimmerer
“Applying Ergonomic Principles in the Workplace: How the Alexander Technique can Help” by Holly A. Sweeney
“Poise in Performance: The Alexander Technique for Musicians” by Joan Arnold
“A Musician’s Journey into Wellness” by Robert Bedford
“Singer, Singing Teachers, and the Alexander Technique” by Sandra Head
“Why I study the Alexander Technique” by Kay S. Hooper
“The Alexander Technique: An Acting Approach” by Tom Vasiliades
“Good Dancers Make it Look Easy” by Greg Holdaway
Other AmSAT-certified teachers of the Alexander Technique can be found by clicking on “find a teacher” at